Plan Your Visit
We care about your safety! Please make sure to stay home if you’re sick and follow these CDC guidelines when you visit us.
Wade House is located on 240 acres near the Northern Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest. Many pathways are level but somewhat rugged.
Due to the scale used in our historic buildings, access to the Wade House Hotel and Herling Sawmill is somewhat limited. Reasonable accommodations can be made for individuals requiring mobility assistance. For more information regarding access to site buildings, grounds and programs please contact Wade House at 920-526-3271.
While no pets are allowed on the museum grounds, service animals are permitted for persons with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Wade House may occasionally photograph or video visitors for educational and promotional use. Attendance on premises constitutes implied consent for use of the visitors’ likeness in Wade House and Wisconsin Historical Society educational and promotional materials.